Sunday, 17 January 2010

Things I like


It is has been a while since I posted anything and when I sat down today to watch the Arsenal game I decided to make a few notes of things that I wanted to write about. Interestingly, for me, there were 3 topics that I had an immediate urge to write about, and none of them were specifically related to the grad programme. So, with that in mind, i have had to expand the scope of my blog, and this is the first of 3 posts, and it is the most simplistic....

Things I currently like

1. Tea - what a great drink
2. Chelsea's 4-3-3 formation - lots of goals, cant complain!
3. Deadwood - makes me love the wild west
4. John Grays "Straw Dogs" - i agree with his conclusions but disagree with how he gets there
5. C - you know it!
6. Drawing - see above; got to love getting my drawing head on again after years out
7. Poker - good distraction
8. First run in 6.5weeks - felt good to be back!

Things i currently dont like

1. 350 miles - too far
2. X factor - permanently on any list of things i hate
3. the thought of a high school reunion - literally, what a horrible horrible horror show
4. Being paid a week early at x-mas - jan is a long month
5. Corporate wear - they dont make suits to fit me
6. My nokia phone - awful two year contract
7. People trying to turn snooker into something it is not - its not darts!
8. Doomswitches - they make you run bad

I dont think these two lists have anything in common (except that there are 8 entries)but for some reason they lept to my mind when feeling very reflective on a Sunday afternoon. Typical. I was drinking a cup of tea at the time, so that probably explains the first entry.

Next up... a post on Christmas.



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